Survival Tips: Nurses Working The Night Shift

Survival Tips: Nurses Working The Night Shift

Night shift nursing might just be one of the most challenging but rewarding things you can do in the nursing profession. Like all shift work, it takes some adjusting to the time frame, but once you know how to prepare for night shift nursing and figure out what nurses do on a night shift to aid their performance, you’ll find it’s increasingly easier to get through an overnight shift. It can even be enjoyable once you’re in the swing of your new routine. 

How to adjust to night shift nursing 

If you’re new to the night roster, adjusting to night shift nursing can be one of the greatest obstacles. The most important thing you can do is get enough sleep in advance of your shift, and this means getting used to a new sleep schedule. 

While it might be tempting to nap whenever the mood strikes you, our bodies deal best with a regular sleep schedule, so try to be consistent with your eight hours. Identifying a quality sleep schedule not only includes getting enough sleep during the day to be prepared before you clock in but allows for extra activities to maintain a work/life balance.

How to get through night shift nursing 

Once you’re on shift, there are some tips that will definitely make you feel better prepared for night shift nursing. We recommend:

  • Limiting your caffeine intake and eating proper, nutritious meals
  • Packing lots of snacks for a healthy blood sugar level all shift
  • Giving yourself enough downtime for relaxation between shifts
  • Getting exposure to natural sunlight and sleeping in a dark environment
  • Making sure you cycle on and off the night shift to reduce burnout and stress

Looking for more tips on nursing? Check out our blog for handy hints on all things related to the profession, or chat with our customer service team about how eNurse’s equipment can help you prepare for your next overnight shift.

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