Our Blog

Below is a list of our latest blog posts, enjoy!


10 items for today's Nurse!

Date Posted: 9 July 2024

Every nurse is unique, and the contents of their nursing bags can be as varied as their personalities. Some carry make-up, snacks and umbrellas, while others contain only the bare essentials. In this ...

The Resilient Midwife: A Journey Through Time.

Date Posted: 1 July 2024

Midwives have always been the unsung heroes of childbirth, often challenged by the medical establishment. Despite the hurdles, their dedication has never wavered. Over time, the education of m...

Tax Tips for Nurses

Date Posted: 28 May 2024

Tax Tips for Nurses At tax time, and in an ideal world, all nurses would have a complete understanding of what they are eligible to claim, and quickly and easily complete their ret...

Tax Tips - Part 1

Date Posted: 28 May 2024

6 Great Tax Tips for Nurses - get organised! Choose how you will lodge your tax return. 74% of Aussie lodge their tax through an accountant. You can also lodge it yourself. https://www.at...

Tax Tips - Part 2

Date Posted: 28 May 2024

Products that you can claim on tax! Here are some tips for products you can claim on tax. Always seek professional advise as every role can differ. Your work uniform: Find out your em...

Self-Care Tips

Date Posted: 29 April 2024

Taking Care of YOU! Check out our top 5 self-care tips for nurses. Your health and well-being has a direct impact on your ability to provide excellent care for your patients so we wanted to share ...

Binge or not to Binge?

Date Posted: 26 April 2024

Top 10 Binge Worthy Shows according to our eNurse Influencers! Welcome to the ultimate binge-watch guide, curated by the experts who know a thing or two about balancing life's demands: our ...

The Unstoppable Nursing Angels 1942-1945

Date Posted: 8 April 2024

Elizabeth M Collins, Soldiers Magazine. The "Angels of Bataan and Corregidor," a group of 77 American military nurses, became legendary for their lifesaving care of civilian POWs in the Sa...

Scrubs Survival!

Date Posted: 8 April 2024

Scrubs that are Polyester/Cotton Blend are designed for warm temperatures. Many Polyester scrubs require cold water. What are the best ways to make my scrubs last? Scrubs made with cotton...

Easy Detox Tips

Date Posted: 1 April 2024

It's a new year and if were anything like me, it's time to detox, get into shape and have a great year. 2024 is the year of being thankful for what we have, being positive for what we want and keepi...

Cotton scrubs keep you cool, comfy and cling-free!

Date Posted: 7 June 2023

We've got a topic today that will surely resonate with every one of you – the indispensable importance of cotton blended scrubs! We wear cotton undies for a reason! The main features and b...

Yapatjarra Muu "Healing Country" Story.

Date Posted: 24 April 2023

We'd like to share with you a heart-warming story about Indigenous artist Chern'ee Sutton and her powerful artwork titled ‘Yapatjarra Muu’, which has been transformed into nurse scrubs for healthcare ...

Rituals For Creating Healthy Work – Life Boundaries

Date Posted: 15 December 2021

A common theme amongst those in the helping profession is to carry the burden of work home. There are many reasons for this. Some of the reasons relate to the caring and compassionate nature of those ...

Working Abroad

Working abroad is an experience of a lifetime. In an article published by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation, they interviewed nurses working abroad. Here are their stories: ...

Weird health tips

Weird health tips Store medication in your linen closet If medication is constantly exposed to light, heat or humidity in other words, a steamy bathroom it could degrade faster th...

Top 7 Study Tips for Nurses

Top 7 Study Tips for Nurses We know that nursing can be extremely stressful. Many of us are time poor, and look at opportunities to make study time as productive as possible. The ...

Shoes in Review

Shoes in Review As nurses, it is important for us to have the right kind of shoes because we do a lot walking during our eight- to twelve-hour shifts. And without a reliable pair ...

Depression: Who are nursing our nurses?

In an article written in the Health Times last year, they asked a very important question- who is looking after our nurses? According to a national survey, 45 per cent of people will experience...