The Psychology of Colour

The Psychology of Colour


The Psychology of Colour


Colour is known to have a powerful psychological impact on people's behaviour and decisions. Your favourite colour can also say more about your personality than you realise. This knowledge has been harnessed all too well in marketing psychology by designers and marketers alike.

Colour can often be the sole reason someone purchases a product. In a survey, 93 per cent of buyers said they focus on visual appearance, and close to 85 per cent claim colour is a primary reason when they make a purchase![1]

Can the colour determine your mood?
Research says yes; colour can affect your mood, behaviour and stress levels. In 1999, researchers at Creighton University found that colours significantly influence employees' emotions and efficiency. Workers in blue offices felt the most centred, calm and hopeful towards their work. Since blue can lower heart rates and green reduces anxiety and is associated with money, a combination of blue and green is best for the workplace.[3]

Your Personality Colour [2]
Your favourite colour can also say something about you. Think about your favourite colour and see if this rings true. If you could wear any colour scrub, what would it be?

Black. People who choose black as their favourite colour are often artistic and sensitive. While these people aren't introverts, they are careful with the details of their lives and do not share easily with others.

White. People who like white are often organized and logical and don't have a great deal of clutter in their lives.

Red. Those who love red live life to the fullest and are tenacious and determined in their endeavours.

Blue. If blue is your favourite colour you love harmony, are reliable, sensitive and always make an effort to think of others. You like to keep things clean and tidy and feel that stability is the most important aspect of life.

Green. Those who love the colour green are often affectionate, loyal and frank. Green lovers are also aware of what others think of them and consider their reputation very important.

Yellow. You enjoy learning and sharing your knowledge with others. Finding happiness comes easily to you and others would compare you to sunshine.

Purple. You are artistic and unique. You have great respect for people but at times can be over confident.

Brown. You are a good friend and try your hardest to be reliable and dependable. Flashy objects are not something you desire; you just want a stable life.

It is important to remember that colour associations are affected by individual experiences and cultural influences. People who link the colour to pleasant memories are more likely to find it a pleasing and enjoyable colour.



Colour is known to have a powerful psychological impact on peopleÕs behaviour and decisions. Your favourite colour can also say more about your personality than you realise. This knowledge has been harnessed all too well in marketing psychology by designers and marketers alike. Colour can often be the sole reason someone purchases a product. In